Sunday, June 6, 2010

Arrival of Koda....

You here those corny sayings like... "Huskies are like potato chips, you cant just have one" or "I suffer from MHS (multiple husky syndrome). I've come to the conclusion that there is some truth to these quirky quotes.

As Maverick grew larger he became increasingly mischievous. Yes, I know it was bound to happen, but just let me provide you with some of the damage...

1. He has managed to rip, shred, and eat all of my plant life in the backyard minus the large pine trees which he has stripped some of the bark off.
2. He has torn through my cable cord twice which Comcast had to be called out twice to fix.
3. My daughter now owns about 10 dinosaur plastic figurines with missing limbs, heads, and tails. (His favorite snack)
4. My backyard could be mistaken for a moon landing site from all the holes dug.
5. I must body block the fridge opening from a diving husky. (He managed to run off with a newly purchased pound of salami one day and I couldn't catch him before he ate it all)

So then you must think I am crazy for wanting two of these unruly creatures.

However when I saw Koda's picture...a beaming black and white smiley husky , my heart melted. Koda's family could no longer care for him so we adopted him into our family and as a playmate for Maverick. Even though they are both males, it was love at first site. They are inseparable. They eat, sleep, play together, and whine for each other if separated.

A few days ago Maverick just about lost it when he went to his vet appointment alone.(Without his beloved Koda) He caused such a scene in the waiting room with his excessive screeching and howling. It got so bad they had to muzzle him and bring him in the backroom until the doctor was ready. The vet techs couldn't answer the phones! You really couldn't help but laugh in that situation.

Well back to the point I was trying to make. The addition of my second husky has been a wonderful experience. Maverick's behavior has improved about 80 percent with having a husky playmate. We are so grateful to have Koda. Two huskies are definitely better than one!

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