I did quite the extensive research on the Siberian Husky before deciding on bringing one home so you can say I knew what I was getting myself into.
"OMG how cute, " was my initial reaction as well as a few other passengers as they wheeled him in with three other dogs on the luggage cart. Kouri, my four year old daughter was dancing around the pet crates trying to kiss all the dogs oblivious to the people around her.
I expected some whining upon looking into the crate, but there he stood...a big ball of fluff with wide eyes and erect ears not making a sound. He pressed his brown nose up against the kennel door trying to lick our fingers.
I had to say the ride home I was in disbelief. It was late, around 11pm. Maverick was in complete silence the entire ride home. Not a whimper, bark, or howl. He wasn't sleeping, we could see his eyes dart around the car from peering out at us to the flashing lights outside the car window.
As we pulled into the driveway I got his leash and collar ready so he could immediately go potty in the yard. He did his business and then plopped down on the sidewalk to chew on an apparently tasty pine cone.
I carried him through the garage into the kitchen and he nearly flew out of my hands as I placed him on the floor. With his tongue hanging out and tail wagging he was bounding around the kitchen smelling and licking us. My 10 year old grouch of a cat Oscar (fitting name) was hovering above him on the kitchen table, trying to make sense of what came through the door. After Maverick crunched on some kibble, Oscar exited over the safety gate not too impressed with the whole ordeal.
I was planning on keeping Maverick in the kitchen for his first night. The only room without carpet. I left a bowl of water, some new puppy toys and a cozy bed. Well, Maverick had other ideas about his sleeping arrangements. I certainly underestimated him. As we walked out of the room we watched him climb up the gate as graceful as a cat, heaving himself over the other side. Freedom into the living room! He was most undoubtedly taking notes from when Oscar did it!
So plan B.
He slept contently in his kennel next to my bed the entire night. Quiet as a door mouse.